Sunday Seven: Pancake Toppings

I cannot control my excitement that it’s finally pancake day this week! I absolutely LOVE pancakes, they’re easy to make, delicious and there’s a whole day to celebrate them. Here’s some ideas for toppings this week!


Have a sweet side? Ice Cream, Double Cream and syrup might hit the spot.


Feeling the American way? Maple Syrup on pancakes is on every breakfast menu in the US, you might want to embrace the syrupy goodness.


If you’re a fan of the savoury over the sweet then throw in some bacon, because who doesn’t love bacon?


Now I’m not against a plain pancake, they’re actually one of my favourites. Throw ’em my way.


Nutella and Bananna has become HUGE. Personally, I’d rather just have the Nutella but if you want some healthy and unhealthy in one mix then this would be one for you.


Sugar, simple and sweet.

lemon-1024641_1280Lemon, another classic but this time to give your tastebuds a kick.

What will you be having on your pancakes this week? Let me know in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “Sunday Seven: Pancake Toppings

  1. tumbling into wonderland says:

    Yum! I love Nutella and Banana. I made some really scrummy blueberry pancakes with vanilla ice cream last week.


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