My First Comic-Con!


Yesterday I got to go to my first comic-con! I’ve always liked the idea of going but I’d never been into comic books or anything and didn’t know if it was something I’d enjoy. Now I’m collecting comic books, am a self confessed Star Wars nerd as well as Pop collector there really wasn’t a better time to buy some tickets and get down there.

Ali and I decided not to dress up this year partly because we got our tickets quite late and partly because we had no idea what to dress up as anyway…we now have come fab ideas for next year. From Waterloo to the Excel we were surrounded by people in varying degrees of costume, some of which I knew and others I had no idea. I wish I’d got more pictures but I was just so in awe walking around and a little nervous to ask people. Some of the outfits must have taken months to create with weapons, costumes that must have been handmade and some incredible make up that had been done I was truly in awe.

As I said this was mine and Ali’s first time so luckily we had a few great guides who were pros by now…


Our band guitarist and his girlfriend Abbie went as Lady and the Tramp together and although it was sickeningly sweet it was also one of the most original outfits I saw and it worked so well! There was so much to look at and explore that I’m glad that they (as well as Abbie’s lovely friends) could point us in the right direction for an hour or so while we found our feet. We started in Comic Village, there was some phenomenal art work on display and just amazing ideas. I was so jealous that these people could create such amazing displays.

While I didn’t buy comic books, my only purchase in that area being a Doctor Who 11th doctor omnibus part 1, I did go on a bit of a spending spree in regards to Star Wars pops. I finally found my Han Solo! I’ve been looking for him for such a long time because no shops seem to stock him. I also ended up getting Obi Wan, Jedi Luke, Chewie (finally), and Hoth Han, I didn’t intend to get a lod of Star Wars pops and nothing else but these are the ones I haven’t seen a lot of. I was on the lookout for rarer Pops that I’m collecting and so far the Disney ones seem to be pretty easy to pick up and have been showing up in the strangest shops!

Aside from geeking out it was so nice to have a day out with Ali. I love spending time out as a couple, it just makes me so happy. We wanted to also go for a little walk in London but my back was really struggling so instead we went to get some food before both going home and relaxing while slightly falling asleep. All that said I survived, had a great time and here’s to going again!


At the end of the day…

4 thoughts on “My First Comic-Con!

  1. adeleinglasses says:

    Comic Con sounds awesome, your friends Lady & The Tramp costume was a fab idea, certainly unique! I like the merch you picked up too, have you booked your Star Wars: The Force Awakens tickets?!


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