Standing With The Trans Community

Standing With The Trans Community

If you’re on Twitter, particularly bookish Twitter, you will probably have seen the uproar based on the anti-trans posts that J.K. Rowling has posted in the last few days and the blog she has posted today. To put it simply I’m disgusted as well as heartbroken.

For so many of us the Harry Potter books were so wonderful and an escape from our lives. They taught about love and friendship and kindness. I’m not sure where the woman who wrote those books has gone.

As I write this I’m looking at a chunk of the Harry Potter merchandise I’ve displayed in my living room, thinking about all the clothes I own with the Potter brand on and the tattoo I have of Hermione’s wand on my leg and feel betrayed. If I feel that way as a cis woman I can’t even imagine how someone who is Trans or Non-Binary feels.

I’m a proud part of the LGBTQIA+ community and stand with my Trans sisters and brothers. There is no question about that and there is no excuse for the lies that have been posted.

A few years ago I would have given anything to meet Rowling, now I’d just want the opportunity to tell her that she’s wrong. To tell her about the wonderful trans people I’ve met. To tell her about one of my closest friends who is a trans man and is worth a million and more of her.

Am I getting emotional writing this? Yes. Yes I bloody well am. So many people, so many who’ve felt out of the norm have found solace in those books and now, for me at least, they’re tainted.

To everyone else who now feels conflicted about their love for Potter, reading Daniel Radcliffe’s statement really helped to remind me that I can still have a love for the books that made up so much of my life. As my friend brilliantly pointed out Barthes ‘Death of The Author‘ can come into play here (a theory uni age me was not as appreciative of).

This may not be the most eloquent piece I’ve written but it does come from the heart. My DMs are always open.

Hogwarts In The Snow At The Harry Potter Studio Tour!

Blogmas 2019: Hogwarts In The Snow At The Harry Potter Studio Tour!

It’s Christmas Eve and a time to chill out, so tonight I wanted to share with you some of the pictures from my visit to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in Watford this month. Warning, you might get some serious magical envy from this little glimpse!

Had to catch my train first of course! Here I am about to run through to Platform 9 and 3/4! And yes this is all over my social media at the moment…you’re welcome.

You can go on the train guys. YOU CAN GO ON THE TRAIN! It was pretty awesome, obviously a little busy but what can you do.

You can also pop into the Dursley’s and see where Harry attempted to get his letter (tip Harry, it’s on the floor).

Hopping on the Knight Bus!

After a Butterbeer ice cream as well, it might have been freezing cold but it was yummy af.

But how beautiful is this piece from the Yule Ball? This was definitely my favourite part of the tour – so, so beautiful and detailed.

Or maybe it was seeing Hogwarts – but I didn’t cry this time!

My Christmas Wishlist...2019

Blogmas 2019: My Christmas Wishlist

My Mum asked me back in October for a Christmas list, which she then lost about 3 times and I had to keep sending it to her. 😂

I miss the days when I just cut out half of the Argos catalog and stuck it on bits of paper for my Mum. I mean, realistically, I could probably still do that in the Lego section… that Hogwarts set is looking mighty fine.

For real though, I struggled with it – I wanted to ask for things I actually wanted or things I could use. I’m thankful for any gift but would rather it wasn’t something I used once and then it sat in the back of my wardrobe for 2 years, you know?

I did manage to pull together a few things although let me make it clear – I don’t expect my parents to get me everything on the list it’s more of a these things are cool and they’re ideas. Anyway, let’s get on with it.

Ninth House – Leigh Bardugo

This has been all over the internet. I don’t know that much about it apart from it’s meant to be pretty dark has a mystery element. You know, totally in the Christmas spirit. If I don’t get it then I’ll be picking it up as soon as I can get to my local Waterstones.

Serpent & Dove

Another I’ve seen all over BookTube, although this time I know a little more and it has a fantasy element and WITCHES. Ok, there might be a bit of a theme to this list…I really like magic. I’ve seen a lot of good reviews for this book and there’s a complicated marriage – I’m intrigued.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Illustrated Edition

Do I need to explain this one? I have the pervious 3 and I’ve spent a lot of time flicking through while in the bookshop – it’s so beautiful. Jim Kay is a true artist.

Thank U Next Perfume by Ariana Grande

I worship Ariana Grande, I think she has the most incredible voice, a talent for lyrics and seems like a genuinely lovely person. I saw her twice this year and I’m currently wearing my tour sweatshirt – I like Ari a lot.

I absolutely love the smell of this perfume so of course it got added on – I actually prefer celebrity scents most of the time, my current favourite is Fantasy by Britney Spears, I’m a sweet scent kinda girl.

Loungefly Bag

I love Loungefly and Mum surprised me with a R2-D2 bag for my birthday and seeing as I have 2 Star Wars ones I’d quite like one that is Disney or Harry Potter. That said these are super expensive! So I’m ot expecting one!

Hermione Granger Mug

Do I need another mug? No, not at all but c’mon I got a Hermione Granger tattoo this year so of course I want this mug. It’s so pretty.

Lego Hagrid’s Hut

This set looks like so much fun to make, one of my friends has it and while I’m not sure if she’s built it I’m itching to get my own set. Look at Buckbeak – look at him! I could have put LOADS of Potter lego on this list but I restrained myself.

And that’s all of them! As you can see it’s a very grown up and important list of adulty things.

What’s on your Christmas list? Let me know below. 👇

All About Halloween Book Tag

Happy Halloween everyone!

So I’m not a horror fan so trying to come up with a review for tonight was a little tricky – instead I wanted to have some fun with a Halloween themed tag! I found this over on Madame Writer’s blog (original post here) and thought it would be fun for Halloween!

What are your favorite Halloween movies?

As I noted above I’m a HUGE scaredy cat which is why my favourite Halloween watches are films I used to watch as a kid. Who doesn’t love Scooby-Doo? These were two of my favourites growing up. Also, baby Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and a story about twins that’s magical. Classic 90s Halloween film.

What is your favorite Halloween book?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Not what most people would consider a traditional Halloween read but c’mon. TROOOOOOOLL, TROOOOOOOLLL IN THE DUNGEON.

What other Halloween books would you recommend?

What can I say, the Victorian era had some creepy as hell books that are perfect for Halloween, Jekyll and Hyde is a classic for a reason. Dorian Gray is damn creepy and clever and The Tell-Tale Heart gives me chills. For a newer Halloween book I highly recommend The Graces by Laure Eve for witchy, cursey, goodness.

Fun fact, when I first read Dorian Grey for college I absolutely hated it and wrote a review to match BUT then I read it again without analysing it and realised for its time it was incredible.

Do you own any Halloween ugly sweaters?

No but I really think I should get one that’s long lasting.

Update: Everything is either trying to be sexy and therefore bloody cold, terrible quality or super expensive…

What are some of your favorite Halloween costumes?

Now this is a question of whether we’re going for traditional Halloween or the american version of Halloween where you can be anything/anyone. I absolutely love dressing as a witch if we’re going with traditional BUT if I could go as anything I’d want to get a little more creative. A few of my friends and I were considering going as The Heathers this year but that doesn’t seem to be happening because…

What are you doing for Halloween this year?

Halloween is on a Thursday this year. 🤦‍♀️

I’m practically an old lady at this point so I do not plan on going out/going to any parties on a Thursday. But why not Friday or Saturday you ask? I’m going to a concert on the Friday and it’s my lovely finaceès birthday on the Saturday.

No Halloween outings for me this year but I do have a packet of spooky Haribo that I’ll probably work my way through white sitting around my decorations.

What is your favorite childhood Halloween memory?

My lovely parents took my sister and I to Disney for Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. I’ve been twice, the first time when I was 11 (check out my super cool outfit below…I’d been wearing the wig itself around the park because I was clearly extra af) and then again when I was 16.

It’s super fun you go trick or treating, the characters are dressed up, there’s a special parade. I now have the ‘Boo to you’ song stuck in my head.

What are some of your favourite Halloween memories? I’d love to hear them!

What I Got For My 25th Birthday!

I asked over on Twitter (@chlometzger, if you’re not already following) if anyone would like to see what I received for my birthday this year and 90% said yes, so lucky you. This year I had a truly wonderful time and felt so loved, so much so it knocked me for six. If any of you reading were a part of it, thank you so much.

So, let’s get into the gifts.

This was a huge surprise but SO exciting, I absolutely love Loungefly bags. I didn’t expect my Mum to find one so it was a big surprise when I opened the box it came in! An R2-D2 Loungefly bag!!

I also got the Lego Knight bus, within 24 hours of recieving it I’d finished building it and now I’m eyeing up the castle set again…my bank account does not agree with this decision. I also got a super cute balloon.

Now let’s get around to the books! From my friend Charissa I received Two Can Keep A Secret & The Confessions of Frannie Langton both of which I’ve been waiting to read for ages. My friend Sarah got me Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me, an LGBT graphic novel I’ve heard a LOT about.

Next up are two books I bought with a gift card from a special rabbit (yes, you read that right) so I picked up the graphic novel of Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and the City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab.

My parents got me A Very Large Expanse of Sea, another book I’ve been meaning to get to for a while. I also received a copy of Archie 1941 from my friend Joe because he knows I’ve been waiting for it to come out as a trade rather than single issues. He also got me a Saga pin for my jacket and another that says Birthday Stud…I proudly wore it around London.

Ali did good this year, I’ve been thinking about getting some better headphones for a while now and he found me these and they are a dreeeeeam. Also got them in my favourite colour – he’s going to be a good husband.

Next up my grandparents got me this beautiful shirt with animals all over, so damn cute. They also got me a Lush set which is perfect because as the weather gets colder I want to have ALL OF THE BATHS. It also included one of my all time favourites, Sex Bomb.

My lovely Lucy and godkids got me Coda, I don’t know much about it but I’m looking forward to a new graphic novel. She also painted a picture of me and Ali which she’s still finishing up – it’s incredible and I’ll be sharing it on my Instagram (@chloemetz_) when it’s ready!

I was also lucky enough to get a new Pandora charm from my Mother-in-Law because she’s bloody adorable.

Next up some more gifts from friends Abbie, Ben & Sarah. I got some new fox socks, some new kick ass badges for my jacket. Also, can we take a moment to appreciate my friends love for my butt. Loving it.

I also got 2 new notebooks and a pack of yummy fudge! And I also got a handmade jumper (my friends Mum is secretly Mrs Weasley) it is so warm and snuggly. This is my second jumper like this and again, it’s in my favourite colour.

I’ve finally reached the age where my family will buy me chocolate and alcohol for my birthday hallelujah. 4 different type of Hotel Chocolate that I haven’t tried before and some Chocolate Gin? HELL TO THE YES. Also, so far, so delicious.

My sister came through too with new make-up. Another amazing Naked palette which is amazing and looks so good. She also got me some more brushes which she’ll teach me to use and some new lipstick to try.

What more needs to be said? My grandparents know. Also, look at this cute Fox they also go me! He’s called Basil.

I have wanted some of these cupcakes from this specific lady for a few years and as a surprise my Mum got these made for me. They didn’t last long but tasted so, so good.

Also there were some great Harry Potter gifts. My friend Corrie went and found me a new list pad and some badges as well as some lovely chocolaty goodies too.

My Mum also found these ADORABLE little Harry Potter plushies and aren’t they so cute? I love them.

She also found me a personal size Gryffindor cake. Currently, it’s survived all the eating but I’m sure it will disappear soon…

I was also lucky enough to receive money, although obviously there’s no need for pictures of that!

So there it is! The wonderful gifts I received for my 25th birthday! Are there any you like the look of? Let me know in the comments below!

What I Read June 2019

What I Read in June 2019

Hello, hello, hello!

June turned out to be a fantastic month for new releases, out of the 8 books I got through, half of them were new and I loved all 4! So, let’s crack on with what I read in June.

First up, Saved as Draft by N.D. Chan this was send to me by the publisher via Netgalley and is a mix of poetry and prose on their own relationships. I gave this 3 stars, while there were parts I enjoyed it wasn’t that memorable for me.

Next was a book I knew I needed as soon as I read, Royals – now renamed Prince Charming, the first in the series earlier this year. All I will say is enemies to lovers with a bisexual protagonist. It’s really sweet and I read it in a matter of hours – 5 stars.

It’s been a really long time since I read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone and I used to read it every summer growing up, I was feeling a bit down so I thought going back to one of my favourite books of all time was a good idea. I fell back into the world and of course it’s a 5 star read. Duh!

I also picked up some new poetry in June, now I will admit this was a cover buy. It is such a beautiful cover, I couldn’t say no. This Is The Journey was great introduction to Alison Malee, I’ll be trying her other works to see how I get on, I gave this 3 stars.

I listened to Phoebe Robinsons second book Everything’s Trash But It’s Ok after loving her first last year. Phoebe is absolutely hilarious but also has some great points about burnout, body image and recent politics. I’d highly recommend the audiobook because Phoebe is hilarious, 4.5 stars.

Also this month (a great one for new releases) was the amazing Hannah Wittons latest book The Hormone Diaries – The Bloody Truth About Our Periods. This was an excellent look at hormones, periods and sex and once again Hannah has done a great job, 5 stars and a review coming soon!

My final two books I didn’t think would make it by the end of the month that drove me INSANE because they are two of my most anticipated reads. Red, White and Royal Blue is one of the best, sweetest and most wonderful books. It’s up there as one of my favourites. The fictional First Son of the United States falls in love with the Prince of Wales. If that doesn’t pull you in I don’t know what will.

And finally some of my faves, The Try Guys , released their first book The Hidden Power of F*cking Up which went right in as a New York Times Number 1! This book is all about trying, failing and everything in between. I love their Youtube channel and they have done so well in the first year of a new business, a tour, a book. They are on FIIIIIIIRE! 5 stars, it really made me think about what I was doing with myself and how important failing is.

A good month for reading I think! What did you read? Let me know in the comments below.

November Favourites

November has been and gone and while I am fully extra and in Christmas mode right now, let’s throw it back to what I got up to. November was a crazy busy month and I’m really excited to share it with you all!


I got a good bit of reading in this month, despite the fact that it’s been super busy! My favourites start off with Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately by Alicia Cook, a collection of poetry that I really connected with – I’ve loved both of her collections and I can’t wait to read more. Up next a true favourite and one for all Feminists – New Erotica For Feminists, this made me laugh so hard and I wrote a review ahead of its release here. And my final two reads were ARCs and I can’t wait to share my full reviews with you in 2019! Pilu of the Woods and The Year I Didn’t Eat were both brilliant reads for different reasons. Keep your eyes peeled.




From the moment I found out about it I knew I wanted to see Bohemian Rhapsody. I love Queen and think Freddie was one of the greatest showmen on earth. This film was incredible and I was surprisingly emotional watching it. If you haven’t seen it yet make sure you do, you won’t regret it.

Ali’s 25th Birthday 

Not only did I get the boy back from tour at the end of October (yay) it was also his 25th birthday. We spent the day in London as he was working BUT went out with friends the following weekend. Can we take a second to appreciate my hair actually going well to go out, I was so proud of it.

Six The Musical 

Your next favourite musical is here. The six wives of Henry VIII take back the spotlight to tell their stories. I went with my friend Lucy and it was absolutely incredible, I’ve had the soundtrack on repeat. They’re going to go back to London soon and you can read my post all about it here.


Spice Girls Tickets! 

Yes, I did it. It kicked me out multiple times but I am going to see The Spice Girls in June 2019. I don’t even know how to put my excitement into a paragraph. I’M GOING TO SEE THE SPICE GIRLS (again).


Muggle Mastermind 

How do you spend your Thursday nights? I meet up with some of my closest friends and go to a Harry Potter quiz. Oh my lord, this was so much fun. There were decorations, super hard questions and prizes. We might not have one but I can’t WAIT for the next one. All the info on the quizzes is here for you.


Tonight Alive 10th Anniversary Show 

Ali and I have been fans of Tonight Alive since we were teenagers, so we got tickets to see them at Bush Hall, London for a special acoustic show to celebrate 10 years. It was incredible and like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Beautiful.

Vote for me! Badge 2 #UKBA19

The UK Blog Awards!

I’m in the running for a UK Blog Award! You can read all about it and even vote if you want to by clicking here.

Thank U, Next 

If you haven’t been dancing along to this absolute TUNE what are you doing? So I’ve listened to the song constantly and then on the last day of November the Queen Ariana Grande dropped the video. This is a pre-teen dream with most of the dreams I loved watching in one place with my favourite song of the year.


What were your favourites in November? Let me know in the comments below!




Books to get you in the mood for Halloween

Books To Get You In The Mood For Halloween But Won’t Scare You Silly!

It’s almost that time of year again! With a few days to go, it’s time to get to those Halloween reads! That said, I’m not into scary books. As of right now, I’ve never read a horror and it’s not something I want to read.

That said, I do love some supernatural, a little different and maybe spooky. I know I’m not the only one! Here are some novels to get you in the mood without scaring you silly!


The Graces – Laure Eve 

One word. Witches. I was lucky enough to meet Laure Eve at YALC this year and I may have freaked out because I loved this book so much. This caused chills, we’re talking a modern-day witchy thriller. Make sure to read it before the second novel is released in January!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

I debated putting the Chamber of Secrets on here BUT you have to start at the beginning! Of course, Harry Potter was going to be on here. Pumpkin Pasties, a Halloween fest, magical creatures! This just screams Autumn and Halloween.

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre – Charlotte Brontë

Yep, throwing a classic out there. There are some chilling moments in Jane Eyre and supernatural elements as well as the beautiful description. I wouldn’t say this is overly Halloween but it’s a nod to the vibe.


Rebecca – Daphne Du Maurier 

I read this while at uni and this is a twisty, quite dark thriller. It has similar vibes to Jane Eyre but I definitely think it has more of a mystery element and ghosts. Can’t forget the ghosts!

Toil and Trouble

Toil and Trouble – Edited by Jessica Spotswood & Tess Sharpe 

The newest on this list! An anthology about Woman and Witchcraft and I am loving it! There’s a mix of modern and older tales and a lot of diversity. I’m getting more into anthologies and this was an absolutely amazing addition to my shelves as something I can pick up read a few stories and come back to.


That’s a few of the reads I’d suggest! Is there anything I’m missing? Let me know in the comments below!

July Favourites!

July hasn’t been an easy month! I recovered from my cyst, found myself redundant and well, I think that’s enough to knock anyone BUT there are still things to smile about and here are some of my favourites.



This month has been a small reading month, but varied. I’ve picked up poetry, a graphic novel, non-fiction and one fiction novel. Of course, you’ll get my full wrap up soon!


Getting Better  

You probably saw that I was in hospital in June with a suspected burst ovarian cyst, I got these beautiful flowers from my Grandparents while I was recovering.

Night Out 

I got to spend a great (sober) night out for one of my besties birthdays! It isn’t often I go on a night out so this one was definitely needed, even if I was back home in bed by 11.30!

IMG_9548 (1)

Becoming a published poet! 

I am a published poet! I still can’t quite believe it but I hope it’s the first of many.


Pop Vinyls!

Three new Pops came this month, two I’d pre-ordered from Australia the Basilisk and Tom Riddle and Amy Pond, my favourite Doctor Who character. I don’t buy these as much anymore, even though I love them, so when I do I get really excited!


Lottie and Ed July 2018

House Sitting! 

I spent 10 nights house sitting for my parents with these little monsters. I might not have slept but they were great for cuddles when I lost my job.



I finally got to go to YALC (Young Adult Literature Convention) this year! It was so incredible, I’m writing not one but TWO blogs for you guys this week. Keep your eyes peeled!

I'm a Gryffindor

I’m a Gryffindor

Gryffindor Pride Harry Potter

If you follow me on any social media or have been following this blog for any period of time you’ll know I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I fell in love with the books, the movies and the whole Potter world. I can’t tell you why I fell so much in love with it, but I did and I never miss an opportunity to see or do something Potter related or celebrate the fandom. Oh and owning a lot of merch (see my most recent haul here).

Since I first read the books I have always felt like a Gryffindor, mainly, when I was younger because I saw so much of myself in Hermione. I finally found a girl in a book just like me. She loved studying and learning, was a bit of a know it all but loyal to her friends. As I got older I realised that I still strongly associated with Gryffindor, also with the slightly stubborn tendencies they are known to have…

In the above picture, my friends described me as looking like Gryffindor threw up on me. My two friends went it Ravenclaw aesthetic (hint of blue, well put together) and a lot of black and green for Slytherin…and then there was me. There was a Potter t-shirt under the Gryffindor jumper, obviously my scarf, red hair and even red and white Potter trainers. Even in the way we dressed we represented our houses when visiting the British Library exhibition.

Here’s what the Sorting Hat says about being a Gryffindor

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart


Now, I know that there is a whole crowd of people screaming, it’s not real BUT there’s a beautiful sense of comradery in the fandom. This is something I grew up with and something I cherish. It may seem silly to some but I love the world of Potter, I love the fact that I relate so much to a book!


What is your Hogwarts house? I’d love to know! Let me know in the comments below!