The Honeydukes Book Tag!

I love a good book tag, I love Harry Potter so why not combine the two? Now, this is the first tag I’ve ever written so I’m really hoping that you guys enjoy this one! So, what’s it about? We’re combining the sweetest part of the Wizarding World with books, what could be better? Let’s get started and make sure you share your responses with me!

Chocolate Frog

A book that you have multiple copies of because you have no chill


Chocolate Frogs are a classic in the Potterverse. You’ll end up with a lot of doubles so for this question I’m looking at a book I have multiple copies of. I could have used Potter but for this, I’ve used one of my faves, The Fault in Our Stars because you need to have a signed and non-signed edition, right?

Sugar Quill

A super sweet read


Wonder was just a book that made my heart feel so much. If you know anything about the novel you know it will probably make you cry too. Overall though, it gave me the feels and was just so, so sweet.

Exploding Bonbons

A book you love that exploded onto the scene!

The Exact Opposite of Okay - Laura Steven

I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book and I LOVED it. Then it got released and loads of other people also loved it. I’d highly recommend getting on this novel before the second comes out. My review is here.

Honeydukes Chocolate

A book that can fight off Dementors

Reasons to Stay Alive - Matt Haig

This is the ultimate Dementor fighter, alongside Haig’s newest book Notes On A Anxious Planet. If you’re having a rough time this is the book to pick up. It’s not in your face but is a gentle way to find your way out of a dark time.

Pepper Imps

A book that blew your mind!


If you like weird, you’ll like Nutshell. This is told from the perspective of an unborn foetus who is incredibly intelligent. It’s so well done though? Absolutely blew my mind. Review here.

Pumpkin Pasties

A book that gets you ready for Autumn


You didn’t think I’d forget the series that inspired this tag? While all of the Potter books start in the summer, there’s going back to school, Halloween etc. I might even start a reread on September 1st…

Cockroach Clusters

A book you wish you’d never read

Clean Juno Dawson

I know, I know this is really controversial. The book just made me so, so mad. To me, it just gave a message of forgetting about the average person with a mental illness and focusing on the uber rich. Not my kinda novel.

Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans

A book you make everyone try (even if it might not be their taste)

The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath

I’ve spoken many times about how Slyvia Plath meant a lot to me, so much so I wrote my dissertation on her works. So I always recommend this to everyone, even if I don’t know if they’ll like it because I think it’s a really close depiction of the depths of mental illness.

Blood Flavoured Lollipops 

 A book that you love, but others aren’t so sure on


Now, if you give me a choice between a new release and a classic I’ll pick a new release BUT when I got to uni I had to read some and then I found Jane Eyre. I’ve encountered people who think it’s quite long and a bore but I adore Jane and everything she achieves.

Cauldron Cakes

A book you shared with all of your friends


I made 3 of my closest friends read this, and almost all of them have now finished the series. We’re all more than a little bit obsessed!


So, that is my first tag! I hope you enjoyed it and please make sure to link or tweet me with yours! I can’t wait to see them

A Magical Unboxing!

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With Halloween mere weeks away it was time for a magical unboxing! As many of my regular readers know I love a good unboxing and I’ve used Lootcrate in the past. So I finally caved and ordered their Wizarding World crate as a little treat for myself! This crate comes twice a month, making it a little more affordable for us Brits. This crates theme is ‘Magical Must Haves’ Let’s dive in!


House Scarf 

One of the great things about the Wizarding World crate is that they ask for your Hogwarts House, I’ve always felt and known in my heart I’m a Gryffindor. This is such a well-made scarf, it’s really thick and has me wishing for chilly mornings so that I can show my house pride. Go, go, Gryffindor!


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Honeydukes Sweet Shaped Rubbers

Now, I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed that these weren’t sweet treats initially, because who doesn’t love a Honeydukes treat?! That said these are incredible, they are so well made and well crafted. The Chocolate Frog, Jelly Slug, Sugar Candy Skull and Cauldron Cake. They’re so lovely I almost don’t want to use them and keep them on my bookcase.


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Harry Potter’s Wand Pen 

I’m so in love with this pen! I think after the Scarf this is my favourite thing in the crate. It’s well weighted and so well crafted. I’m absolutely in love with it.

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MACUSA Desk Supply Set 

The good thing about the Wizarding World crate is that it includes both Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts merch. This is a desk set including a list pad, sticky notes, clips and a folder. It was absolutely huge too! Good shout Lootcrate team!

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Horcrux  Locket Pin 

These are now a collection and I’m so sad I’ve missed previous crates! This is really beautiful and of good quality.


That’s it! If you’re interested in ordering your own crate the link is here. This post is not sponsored (I wish!) I just really wanted to share with you this new subscription I’ve become a part of!