One Year Later

One year ago today, the 23rd March 2020 we entered lockdown in England. Sitting down and watch the Prime Minister was surreal, you knew you were watching a moment in history. I can only imagine it was similar to hearing the word that we were at war with Germany back in the 1930s. Something shifted in that moment, this was a big deal. I got emotional but it wasn’t going to be for long, I only had to get to June, right? It was going to be ok (oh the poor optimistic soul I was). 

I am not the same woman I was a year ago. Things have been harder than I could imagine them being one punch after the other but I am still standing with a strength I didn’t know I possessed. We’ve all been through trauma that will take time to heal from. 

At the start of the pandemic I was a mess. Anxiety took over my brain and body, regular panic attacks, sobbing constantly, being afraid of going outside my front door, comfort eating. I watched as industries completely shut down and the weeks turned into months, including my partners industry. We still had rent to pay and it wasn’t an easy time. 

Across the year alongside the external pain we lost three of our hamsters. While two were expected (old age), one came completely out of the blue. We both contracted Covid, spent Christmas in isolation and had to move in with family when our flat was up for renewal. We moved our wedding date an entire year. My partners whole industry disappeared practically overnight.

The past year I’ve felt like I am just keeping my head above water. There were countless times where I didn’t think I could carry on, when I didn’t want to carry on. I know the majority of us have felt that way. Between being at home constantly or going to jobs when there is a deadly virus, people being furloughed, the fear of catching the virus and, of course, those who have lost those they love we’ve all been just trying to get through the days.

There were a few positives to come out of the time spent at home, I got to spend more time with Ali than I have since we were at university, I made decisions about my life and my health, I started to let go of relationships that were toxic, I realised that I was going to keep fighting to be freelance.

We didn’t expect this to last this long, I remember the thought of still wearing masks at Christmas seeming laughable last summer. It couldn’t carry on that long, could it? Instead we spent Boxing Day back in tight restrictions and went into lockdown for the 3rd time a week later.

All of us are exhausted, mentally and physically drained, of course that doesn’t compare to those on the front line who have been risking their lives, but we’ve got this far – as battered and broken as we may feel.

I can’t help but feel that when we do emerge from this, when restrictions are lifted and we’re back in the sunshine, for a while at least, we will appreciate the little things a bit more. We’ll hug those we love a little longer, try not to sweat the small stuff, well that’s what I plan to do.

Of course I wish this had never happened, that thousands hadn’t had to die and questions will need to be answered later. We’ll all need time to heal and recover from this year, because I don’t think anyone really came out unscathed.

Does this post make the most sense? Nope. Is it mostly me just getting my thoughts down on to a page and trying to make sense of the madness that this has been our lives for the past year? Pretty much. I do have hope though, better days are coming and I’m holding on to that.

Livin' The Vida Lockdown: Day Two - When This Is Over

Livin’ The Vida Lockdown: Day Two – When This Is Over

Well, we’re now into the second full day of the UK Lockdown. Firstly, thanks for reading yesterday’s post (you can catch up here), it means a lot to know you guys are reading along.

So, did the marvel of lockdown bring today – I took it a little easier and was a little kinder to myself. Ater working for a few hours I picked up and dusted of my Ukulele, started a new book and had my daily nap. I found doing this alleviated my anxiety at little, also having the sunshine coming through the window.

One thing I can’t help but keep coming back to though is ‘when this is over’. I know I’m not the only one who is missing the little things like being able to see my family, meet friends for a drink and take Bobbie or Max out for a walk.

To have something to look forward to I’ve started creating a list of things, big and small, that I’m looking forward to when life, eventually, gets back to normal.

Going to a beach

All this sunny weather we’re having has made me desperate to go to the beach and get some chips while soaking up the sun. I hope we have a great summer this year and can get outside.

Seeing all my friends for a huge catch up – including cocktails

I think a huge night out is in order because even an introvert like me can get a little stir crazy in these situations.

Seeing my family and family pets

This is probably the hardest part right now. I love seeing my family and having a quick catch up and cuppa. I haven’t been separated from my family for more than a week and a half since I moved back after graduation. I can’t wait to see and hug them all – particularly the pets.

Going to the Gym

I know, who am I and how did this happen? I haven’t written about it but before this all started I was having sessions with a personal trainer. While I’m self isolating focusing on exercise and food intake isn’t my biggest priority but as soon as it’s safe I’m looking forward to getting back to it. Also, last time I was there I lifted half my body weight, looking forward to seeing if I can increase that.

Carrying on with wedding plans

It’s just under 10 months until my wedding. It’s still going ahead, I’m still planning for everything we originally planned to happen. Obviously everything is on pause right now but I’m looking forward to when I can get back to it.

Visiting Ali at shows

As you can imagine it’s been pretty stressful seeing as all events are cancelled right now, meaning Ali’s not been able to work. I am so looking forward to being able to see him do his thing.

Treating Myself

I’m trying to be pretty frugal with my spending right now, so I’m not buying anything apart from essentials. So, you can bet that I’m planning on buying myself a new Juni, set of Dungarees or Mini Pini from Lucy and Yak if they still have my size.

Spontaneous Trips

Sometimes, when me and Ali are both home, we’ll go on a spontaneous trip out in the car. They’re not always that exciting but just getting out and doing something together is fun. Plus, there is a pub that does pretty good food opposite one airsofting shop and a comic book shop opposite the other.

What are you looking forward to? Let me know below!

Livin' The Vida Lockdown: Day One - The Start Of A New Normal

Livin' The Vida Lockdown: Day One – The Start Of A New Normal

Hello lovely people.

Yes, I am fully aware that you now have Livin’ La Vida Loca in your head after reading that title and you are VERY welcome.

While I was working today I couldn’t get rid of the niggling feeling that I wanted to make some kind of record of what’s going on right now and, of course, I wanted to share it with you. These are very strange times and for the majority of us we haven’t experienced a lockdown before. While BoJo won’t explicitly call it a lock down it pretty much is.

So, I got the idea to start writing daily about my thoughts, experiences and once I came up with that title it HAD to happen. Is this going to be an enlightening read? I have no idea. Will it make you laugh? I hope so. I can’t promise that it will be constant laughs and sunshine, but it might give you some comfort from your own thoughts.

It also means that some days you might get 2 blogs from me, aren’t you lucky!

What Did Day One Have In Store?

As for most of us it wasn’t the most exciting day of my life but there were a few silver linings. I don’t know about you but my sleep cycle is broken right now meaning no matter how tired I am I wake up at 6.30am…even though I have nowhere to go (thanks brain).

First order of business, Disney Plus+, yep I literally woke up and signed up. I’ve been waiting too long to watch The Mandalorian and get started on the list I made.

I wish at this point I could say I got up and did Yoga or something like that but, alas, no I dozed for another hour while Ali recorded me snoring. Nice. As a bonus when I did drag myself out of bed I got to have some breakfast while watching The Muppets, not the worst way to start the day.

The rest of the morning was spent working, emailing and internal despair. Standard. Then I hit a bit of a rock. My mood plummeted and I felt absolutely exhausted. This shouldn’t have surprised me as much as it did, stress makes my Fibro worse so all of this was bound to have an impact on my health.

I have come to realise that getting through the next few weeks is going to include daily naps. Which…is ok. I’m trying to tell myself that anyway.

While the afternoon was pretty similar to the morning I did get my boost of energy, managed to have a bath and even had a delivery of pads left at the front door (I really owe my family one for that).

Overall thoughts for Day One

I know my mental health is probably going to be very edgy. Going out and seeing my close family, visiting pets and going out for a drive when I’m not feeling great has been my way of dealing with it for years now.

It’s going to take work to stay mentally well during this time and I think the main thing is that I need to be kinder to myself. If blocking out an hour to nap gets me through this then that’s really not the worst thing I could do. If watching Disney and ignoring the news for 99% of the day makes me happy then that’s cool too. One day at a time.

More than anything though, I will get through anything to make sure the people I love are safe. Staying indoors for a few weeks vs losing someone I love? It’s really a no brainer isn’t it.

I’m not sure if these will be every day, even though that’s the plan but I’d love to hear what you guys are up to as well and how you’re doing.

Also, here’s Livin’ La Vida Loca for you, because you still have it stuck in your head and it’s a feel good tune. Until tomorrow all!

10 Things You Can Do If You're Stuck At Home

10 Things You Can Do If You’re Stuck At Home

I don’t want this blog to become a place full of fear and anxiety. While I can confirm I am anxious right now and my mental health isn’t at its best with the current situation I want this to be a place where you guys can get away from the news, doom and gloom.

So! Let’s find some positive and fun things that you can do if you’re stuck or are going to be stuck indoors.

1. Read

Come on, what do you really expect from this blog? Of course I’m going to encourage reading! I’m really into fantasy at the moment, because it’s a total escape from reality and the 800 pages of House of Earth and Blood is keeping me company.

Pick up something you’ve been meaning to read, listen to an audiobook or download something new on to a Kindle app. Books are a great way to escape and just breathe a little bit. Also if you need recommendations hit my up – it was my favourite part about working in a book shop.

2. Catch Up On TV/Movies/Podcasts

I am really bad at being up to date on TV and movies – my friend Joe regularly makes fun of all the films I haven’t watched. With Netflix, Amazon Prime and the like if you love films and TV now’s your chance to get all caught up.

3. Learn Something New And Allow Yourself To Be Bad At It

We 👏Don’t 👏Need 👏To👏Be👏Good👏At 👏Everything👏

There’s an idea that all out hobbies we should be the best at and let them become a side hustle. Do something and be gloriously shit at it. Don’t feel that you need to post it on social media or talk loads about it – do it for you.

4. Make The Most Of The Bedroom

Yep, the kind of alone time which means taking your pants off – it gives you endorphins and is meant to boost your immune system. Realistically by getting down to it you’re helping yourself.

Although, if you’re planning on getting those endorphins going with another person make sure it’s protected so you don’t end up having a C-19 baby at the end of this year/beginning of next. Yes, they will have a stupid media nickname when the baby boom hits…think of the children!

5. Make a Fort

Because why the hell not? Get out all the blankets, duvets, whatever you have an get that fort set up. They said we have to self-isolate not that we have to be boring about it.

6. Do Some Life Admin

It’s not the most exciting way to spend your time but if you’d got nothing else to do sorting some of your life stuff out could be a blessing.

I might even do some goal setting stuff, although I’m fully aware of how wanky that sounds.

7. Home Workouts

So I’ve just got into going to the gym and getting those endorphins going. While at the moment it’s perfectly ok to go for a walk for most people if you are indoors there’s a lot of workouts on YouTube that you can do at home.

OR the much more fun option is have dance parties to your favourite upbeat songs to keep spirits up. I can confirm that this works a treat, particularly while blasting music through your headphones.

8. Movie Marathon

Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, Twilight (not for me but who am I to judge). There are a lot of good movies you can binge, also, Disney + comes out next week and I am VERY excited about it because I can basically relive my childhood – there’s a whole post coming on it.

9. Get Around To Something You’ve Been Meaning To Do For Ages

It might be organising your wardrobe, looking into at home pilates, starting a book you keep saying your going to write (yes this one is for me, yes I’m trying).

10. Sweet Damn All

That’s right. Nothing, when you’re not working you can get some sleep, chill out or do nothing and that’s totally ok. People have been making sweeping statements about all the great things they’re going to do to improve themselves but it’s ok if you don’t want to do that.

Is there anything you’re going to do that’s been left off of the list? Let me know in the comments below.