Sunday Seven: Reasons We Needed The London Women’s March


Today saw women of the UK marching in London ahead of International Women’s Day on Wednesday. When I was younger I wrongly believed the rhetoric that women had it better, what was the fuss about today, on the other hand, I’ve been I’ve been wearing a jumper that proudly proclaims I’m a feminist ‘Feminism – The Radical Notion That Women Are People. So why did women need and want to march? Here’s just 7 reasons.

Because women are not equally represented in parliment.

Because around the world women still don’t have access to reproductive healthcare.

Because women are taught that we should be trying to prevent sexual assault, rather than talking about the real problem, and it’s not the length of our skirts.

Because gender expectation and stereotypes hurt both women and men. I 100% believe that the high rates of men’s suicide are down to outdated gender stereotypes.

Because women are taxed for Towels and Tampons, but if we didn’t wear them we’d be judged and ridiculed.

Because women face judgement whether they become mothers or not about their choices.

Because we deserve to be heard.

7 thoughts on “Sunday Seven: Reasons We Needed The London Women’s March

  1. Ravenclaw Book Club says:

    “Because gender expectation and stereotypes hurt both women and men. I 100% believe that the high rates of men’s suicide are down to outdated gender stereotypes.” Yes!!! I love this. These are all really good reasons!


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