Why We Need to Talk About Post University Depression


It’s that time of year. Exams are long gone, results published and gowns ordered. We’re told that now is when we enter the ‘real world’ of jobs and adult things. While it is all new and exciting there is something that many people don’t, or don’t want to talk about, that’s the feeling of loss that comes with finishing university. There’s almost a feeling that you can’t be sad, you have a degree! You’re one of the lucky ones, right?

Post university depression is something that I’ve come across a lot online. Over the past few weeks I’ve found myself struggling sometimes and although people may just say that’s my pre existing depression, I can tell you it’s something different. You got from all the pressure and stress os exams to nothing in a matter of weeks and then from that point onwards you’re asked about what you’re going to do next, do you have a job lined up/ There’s also the inevitable, for most, of having to head back to the old town, into your old bedroom and having to stay with Mum and Dad again. Add that to not having your friends around the corner, is it any wonder it can all feel a little bit much?

Of course it’s not all bad BUT society just seems to have a filter when it comes to the impact that these changes can have on someone’s mental health. I’ve noticed that in the period straight after my coursework was handed in, a mere few days after deadlines I felt a huge pressure to get a job and know what every part of my life was going to be. I started falling back into more days spent in bed and more anxiety attacks about my future than I’d had in awhile and on top of it all the access to my mental health support was cut as soon as I handed in my last essay. With all the uncertainty, moving and, for some, not getting the result that they wanted there can be a lot impacting a person emotionally.

So, I’m writing this blog to start the conversation. To say that even though I have a job and it’s going well I still have days where I feel really down and can’t believe university is over. There are still nights when I just can’t sleep because I don’t know how to do this adult thing and I miss my friends and knowing that I just have to go to classes and read a lot. Apparently this is all normal, but we still don’t want to talk about it. I have to say if anyone feels like it really is more than just post uni blues PLEASE talk to someone about it, and if you feel you need to see a doctor (they’re not going to put a ‘crazy’ stamp on you and that’s that, trust me).

Sometimes we all need a little bit of help in times of change, you’re not alone.



image from Pinterest

17 thoughts on “Why We Need to Talk About Post University Depression

  1. Lauren Busser says:

    I am with you there. Post university or college depression is a thing. And I feel like there are a lot of people who say that post-grads feel entitled so it if they complain about being depressed then it’s somehow our fault.


      • Lauren Busser says:

        It wasn’t even that it was a big change it was more that they had this ideal that I wasn’t living up to and it didn’t matter that I had done my homework, clearly I was failing because I hadn’t planned correctly for grad school.


      • chloemetzger says:

        I get that feeling! So many people I know are carrying on studying and that was my plan and I got to the end and just went I really need a break from this.


      • Lauren Busser says:

        Well it wasn’t just that it’s that deadlines are in the fall of senior year when a lot of people get internships and I was doing an undergrad thesis. It was really a stressful time and I did need a break. My break lasted until September and then suddenly…”HEY! LOOK THREE UNRELATED JOBS! BUT YOU PLAN ON GOING TO GRAD SCHOOL ANYWAY SO THIS IS GOOD!” I won’t even tell you what derailed that plan.


  2. Althea says:

    Thank you so much for writing this! I completely agree that it’s an important topic to discuss. It’s a huge transition, and yet we’re expected to take it and be okay with everything.
    I hope more people reach out for help if they need it, there’s no shame in admitting to need help.


  3. Esther says:

    I was unemployed for year and a half, doing some freelance, but overall doing nothing after graduation. I saw all of my friends and other people I studied with doing great things, working, moving, getting married, etc. I was paralized with fear and uncertainty, waiting for something to happen without me actually trying to make it happen. It made no sense and it was awful. I missed the schedules, the knowing what to do it and when to do it, seeing the same people every day and knowing what to expect. When all of that was taken away, of course I felt lost. I think most people experience it, but don’t discuss it because they assume everyone else knows what they are doing. That’s what I thought, but I’m pretty sure I was wrong.
    Great post! ❤ It's something that needs to be discussed more.

    Liked by 1 person

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